Sunday, June 12, 2005

John, right after getting his JD from HLS Posted by Hello

Ugz- slurpee time Posted by Hello

Gravesite of Benjamin Franklin's family Posted by Hello

Gravesite of Samuel Adams, Boston, MA Posted by Hello

Forrest (left) and Clawdio Posted by Hello

All 4 cats Posted by Hello

Mamba Posted by Hello

Girl cat (as of yet un-named) Posted by Hello

Clawdio Posted by Hello

Cleavus playing tennis Posted by Hello

The beach as the rain approaches Posted by Hello

Ben and Rio running around on the beach before the storm Posted by Hello

Cleavus, carving a face in the sand Posted by Hello

Long Beach Island, Memorial Day Posted by Hello

Jen with Clawdio, the first day the kittens came - 5/29 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Protests in Bolivia

It has come to my attention that problems in Bolivia have grown to full scale protests and riots. Please check out any leading news source for new information. El Alto, the city which is described as the center of the riots, is one of the most impoverished urban populations in the entire western hemisphere. While I was in Bolivia, I saw a protest everyday, but never on the scale of police force. Right now I am actually fairly glad that I am not currently in La Paz, trying to make my way back to the USA.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

computer problems

Well, it seems that the Wake Forest issued A30 Thinkpad is nearing the end. The reason for no recent posts seems to be due to a bunch of problems with my computer. Since all of my pictures are saved there, and then uploaded using Hello, I haven't been able to post any of the great memorial day or kitten pictures yet. The problems seems to stem from a virus I picked up in South America, combined with a problematic graphics card and some power supply problems. They shoudl be fixed pretty soon and I'll have everything up asap.