Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Today it rained terribly hard. So hard, in fact, that the roads were pretty much flooded on the way back from lunch. I walked back to the office today instead of taking a Tico, simply because a few of them got stuck in the several inch deep water. What made me think about all of this though, was that the sewer system flooded with all the rain, and filth and plastic bottles flowed up from the sewer into the street, making it look like a tornado had come through. Things like this make you appreciate a proper sewer system.

The news today is that I'm headed to Santa Cruz, Bolivia next week to visit with Tim Killeen, from Conservation International. Apparently, there is a diesel fuel shortage in the area, so taking busses is fairly impossible, but a flight costs over 400$. The bus trip is great though - it is a 15 hour trip to La Paz, and then another 15 hour leg to get to Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is at 500 feet, making the trip be a descent of over 3000 meters.

However, the women in Santa Cruz are known for their beauty. The Bolivian representative for Miss Universe was from Santa Cruz. It should be an interesting trip at least.

I am going to help Mirian with her English again tonight at Cuate. I'm also going to go with Juan Carlos to stalk the bouncer that attacked him the last time we were at Mythology (a club). J.C. is plotting his revenge, which I'm sure will be sweet. That's all I got...

1 comment:

Nick said...

Hey Dave. Do you think that Blogging goes well with international internet computer-connected travel? In the same way that a small cup of coffee goes well with a nice croissant and ham breakfast. I like reading your posts. I feel like I am in South America for twenty seconds.